Peverell Park Surgery & University Medical Centre

Peverell Park Surgery | 01752 766644

University Medical Centre | 01752 222341

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Advance Care Plan (ACP)



How will you communicate how you want to be cared for in your last days or who will write your eulogy at your funeral? These are important decisions that can easily be forgotten about and left until it is too late.

What is an Advance Care Plan?

An Advance Care Plan (ACP) is a personal statement of wishes that should you be unable to speak up for yourself at any point in your last day, then it can do so for you. The purpose of an Advance CARE Plan is to ensure that the wishes of the person who is dying are, as far as practically possible, respected and acted upon.

You can request your free ACP card and information from Peverell Park Surgery.

For further information on ACP, please contact the St Lukes Education team:


Telephone: 01752 964250
