Peverell Park Surgery & University Medical Centre

Peverell Park Surgery | 01752 766644

University Medical Centre | 01752 222341

Sorry, we're currently closed. Please call NHS 111


Urgent Appointments

For matters that require same day assistance, please call the surgery.
If you need more urgent help, call your GP. If the GP practice is closed, visit NHS 111 online or call 111. In an emergency call 999

> Phone us on 01752 766644, Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm

> Visit the surgery and speak with a receptionist, Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 6pm

When you get in touch, we’ll ask what you need help with. We will use the information you give us to choose the most suitable doctor, nurse or health professional to help you.


Routine Appointments & Queries (Online Consultation)

To contact us about a medical, administrative or prescription issue click the ” Contact us Online” button below to access Online Consultation (no registration necessary). This is for non urgent routine advice that does not require action on the same day. You will be contacted within 3 working days. If you do send us a request, please allow us time to respond and not phone regarding the same problem unless you have deteriorated or the situation has changed. 

> Select “I have an admin query” – to request a doctor’s note, request a fit (sick) note, ask questions or get an update on a referral, request your repeat prescription, follow-up on test results (blood test, scans, etc.) or any other advice or information that is not medical related. Video – How to submit a Medical request

> Select “I want help for a medical issue” – to contact us about a new or ongoing symptom, or book an appointment (where appropriate*). Video – How to complete an ADMIN request



This short online form is the quickest and simplest way for the majority of our patients to access our clinical teams for assistance. Our practice phone lines remain open; please telephone 01752 766644 for anyone with accessibility needs who might have difficulty completing this form.




If you are invited to make an appointment you will be sent a link to book a day and time which is suitable for you. If you indicate that you prefer (where possible) to speak to a certain GP or clinician, please check their GP Weekly Sessions

Please make sure that you arrange a call for a time when you are not going to be driving Patient Safety Guideline – Driving.



Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC)
Cumberland Centre

The Urgent Treatment Centre Cumberland is open every day (08:00 – 18:00) to treat you if you have an injury which isn’t life-threatening, but still requires urgent treatment. For more information Urgent Treatment Centre


Self-Referral Options

If you would like to self-refer to one of many local healthcare services, go to Self Referral Options for more information, or Find Services near you


Evening/weekend appointments

How to book a GP appointment with Livi

The Livi app makes it easier to get the help you need. See an NHS-trained GP by video chat from a convenient place, at a time that suits you (Mon/Tues/Thurs 18:00-22:00 and Sat 08:00-16:00). Partnered with NHS GP practices to offer free online doctor appointments to registered patients. Livi is already available to 10 million people across the UK. For more information livi-online-gp-appointments



You can also contact a Doctor online using the NHS app using your NHS account.

Read more and download the NHS App


Cancel an Appointment

To cancel your appointment:

> Use your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App)
> Reply CANCEL to your appointment reminder text message
> Click here to complete a simple Cancellation Form


General Appointment Information

All appointment requests for a GP will be triaged by a clinician first. You can request an appointment either by calling us or by completing an Online Consultation on our website.

All nurse and blood appointments can still be made by contacting the practice either by telephone or by completing an online consultation.

To help the surgeries run as smoothly as possible please bear in mind the following:

> Be punctual

> Cancel appointments in good time – someone else may need it

> 1 appointment is for 1 patient

A home visit can take three times as long as surgery appointments due to the travelling time. Therefore, doctors would appreciate it if patients can attend surgery whenever possible. If you are too ill to attend and require a home visit, please telephone 01752 766644 to let the doctors plan their work more efficiently, except in an emergency. All home visits are undertaken at the doctor’s discretion.