Peverell Park Surgery & University Medical Centre

Peverell Park Surgery | 01752 766644

University Medical Centre | 01752 222341

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Stop Smoking


One You Plymouth

Now is the right time to quit. Every cigarette causes you real harm and quitting smoking is healthier for you and your family. For more information

Find Local Stop Smoking Services


Get a Plan

Everyone has a different reason for quitting, get a personalised Quit Smoking Plan. Get a plan now


NHS Smokefree – Mobile App

The Smokefree app can help you stop smoking by providing daily support and motivation. If you stay smokefree for the 4-week programme you’re up to five times more likely to stay quit for good.

Download on the Apple App Store

Download on the Android App Store


Get Support Now

Choose from an app, Quit Kit, email, SMS and face-to-face guidance. Sign up now