Peverell Park Surgery & University Medical Centre

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Struggling with poor or disturbed sleep



If you’ve had a sleep problem for more than a month, then now is the time to tackle it. Don’t let sleep problems ruin your life, let us help you today. Our clinically validated sleep improvement programme is available on the NHS and privately. If our NHS service is available in your area, you’ll be able to access Sleepstation free of charge as an NHS patient.

When we sleep well, everything feels better. Follow our online sleep improvement programme and feel the benefits of great sleep. We combine psychology and sleep science with dedicated support to help people get great sleep. Our online sleep support programme is one of the most effective in the world. Designed by experts, backed by science and delivered with care, Sleepstation gives you all the tools and guidance you need to sleep better.

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Insomnia means you regularly have problems sleeping. It usually gets better by changing your sleeping habits.

You have insomnia if you regularly:

» find it hard to go to sleep
» wake up several times during the night
» lie awake at night
» wake up early and cannot go back to sleep
» still feel tired after waking up
» find it hard to nap during the day even though you’re tired
» feel tired and irritable during the day
» find it difficult to concentrate during the day because you’re tired.

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Find more joy, less stress, and the best sleep ever with Headspace.

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