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When you’ve lost a loved one, dealing with practical and emotional issues can be challenging.

Bereavement Advice Centre
It can be a confusing time following a death and difficult to know what you need to do first, especially when you experience it for the first time. Contact the Bereavment Advice Centre


Age UK
Grief is very personal and there’s no right or wrong way to deal with losing someone you care about. But this guide explores how you might be feeling, why you might be feeling that way, and some of the things that could help – now and in the future


The Bereavement Counselling Service
The Bereavement Counselling Service is a specialist service for those people who have suffered a traumatic bereavement or who are suffering with complex grief.

In brief, the Bereavement Counselling Service accepts referrals for:

People whose grief has not been resolved within a reasonable period of time in relation to their loss, resulting in significant problems.
Those whose experience of bereavement has been particularly distressing or traumatic, in order to prevent subsequent development of problematic and complicated grief. Bereavement-Counselling-Service-SW-